Sales figures are sometimes everything Consoles come down to. According to ‘The Cheat Sheet‘, who’s reporting that the Xbox One has indeed edged out PS4 in December 2013 sales figures. Now all these numbers are certainly a little murky. Microsoft Published that the Xbox One had sold 908K consoles, as well as 643k Xbox 360 consoles. But what no one is reporting is the Sony numbers. Sony themselves have declined to comment on that, but Dan Race (Sony spokesperson) did have the following to say:
“PlayStation 4 remains the cumulative leader for next gen console sales in the US since the launch on November 15. We sold every PS4 available at retail in the US and were out of stock in December due to overwhelming consumer demand.”
Here are some reasons why that number may not entirely be accurate:
If you do look at the overall figures, Sony to date has sold 4.2 Million PlayStation 4 consoles in 2013, but the Xbox One is at 3 Million. Considering that Sony had launched earlier than Microsoft and had more lead time to market, so the numbers are certainly something that warrants closer inspection. However, it is worth noting that both companies sold over 1 Million units within the first 24 hours of launch. Then again, Xbox One launched in 13 countries vs. Sony’s 2. So take from that what you will.
it’s just a war of numbers at this point. While gamers end up bring the winners eventually, the real winner will be the user base both these companies amass.
So the question again, Did Xbox One beat the PS4 in December 2013 Sales? The answer dear readers, is you’ll need to split hairs to find the truth. Right now, if you look at regional launches vs. launch date vs. game sales, the PS4 certainly does look like it’s doing much better on the sales front. However, According to the NPD Group’s data via Inferse, six of the ten best-selling videogame titles were Xbox One games.
According to NPD, Xbox One beat PS4 in sales in the US during December. Simple as that. No need to split hairs or over-analyze anything.
In total sales, the PS4 is just barely ahead of the Xbox One in the US, by only a couple thousand units. Worldwide, though, they’re doing much better. It’s no surprise that Sony is dominating international sales, it’s what they’ve always done, and they haven’t even hit their home turf yet.
With roughly 800k more in sales in Europe, what is there to really question? US sales data is pretty clear on the matter and that’s the only area Microsoft was commenting on.