Thursday, February 20, 2025
HomeMoviesWhy Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor is Going to Suck

Why Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor is Going to Suck

It’s official. Batman Vs. Superman is now completely doomed, if it wasn’t already when they casted Ben Affleck as Batman, although we still think he could pull it off. Continuing the streak of questionable casting choices, Jesse Eisenberg has quite surprisingly been cast as the Man of Steel’s most notorious rival, Lex Luthor in the Warner Bros. and Zack Snyder’s 2016 sequel to Man of Steel, following in the shoes of Academy Award winners Gene Hackman and Kevin Spacey. Also joining the team will be Jeremy Irons. He will play another very important role, that of Bruce Wayne’s loyal guardian butler, Alfred J. Pennyworth, who was previously played (almost perfectly I might add) by Michael Caine in Nolan’s Batman trilogy. They seem to value the role of Alfred a bit more than they should; recently casting only Oscar winners in the role.


Jesse Eisenberg is your new Lex Luthor


However. coming back to the big question on everyone’s mind right now – Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor? Now while we’re certainly not discrediting Jesse’s acting capabilities, for all of you who’ve watched Now You See MeThe Social Network and/or Zombieland, I’m sure you’ll agree when I say Jesse’s got a long way to go before he can embody the role of a complex supervillain, the likes of Lex Luthor. Unless he is somehow able to break away from his limited range of expressions and one-track dialogue delivery style, I really don’t see how Eisenberg is gonna be able to pull off the role, leave alone do justice to one of DC’s most suave & charismatic supervillains. For those of you who aren’t all that familiar with the character of Lex Luthor, he is quite unlike any of the scores of other Superman villains. There’s something inherently ironic about Superman’s greatest foe – for all his vast intellect and incredible material resources, when you get down to it, he’s only human. It makes his career in villainy that much more impressive, really, that he’s managed to oppose the Man of Steel without any super-powers of his own. Imagine a villainous Bruce Wayne, except completely bald 🙂

And is it just me, or does Jesse not only lack the physical build but also comes off as too young to play the role, opposite much older & physically larger actors like Ben Affleck and Henry Cavill? Unless of course, he has been chosen to play the role of a teenage Lex Luthor and hopefully they cast someone else to play the older Luthor. A certain Heisenberg rather than Eisenberg, perhaps? Yeah! I know, just wishful thinking at this point. Sigh! 🙁

On the character and casting choice, director Zack Snyder said,

“Lex Luthor is often considered the most notorious of Superman’s rivals, his unsavory reputation preceding him since 1940. What’s great about Lex is that he exists beyond the confines of the stereotypical nefarious villain. He’s a complicated and sophisticated character whose intellect, wealth and prominence position him as one of the few mortals able to challenge the incredible might of Superman. Having Jesse in the role allows us to explore that interesting dynamic, and also take the character in some new and unexpected directions.”

And on Alfred, Snyder had the following to say,

Jeremy Irons to play Alfred Pennyworth
Jeremy Irons to play Alfred Pennyworth

“As everyone knows, Alfred is Bruce Wayne’s most trusted friend, ally and mentor, a noble guardian and father figure. He is an absolutely critical element in the intricate infrastructure that allows Bruce Wayne to transform himself into Batman. It is an honor to have such an amazingly seasoned and gifted actor as Jeremy taking on the important role of the man who mentors and guides the guarded and nearly impervious façade that encapsulates Bruce Wayne.”

For our sake and for the sake of Man of Steel’s legacy, I really hope Snyder is right or the only direction they’re gonna end up taking the character of Lex Luthor along with the rest of the movie, is DOWN! What do you feel about Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor? Do you think he has what it takes or is Zack Snyder making possibly another big casting disaster? Who would’ve been your pick to play the role of Luthor? Let us know in the comments below.

Stay connected to the Game Druid. More on ‘Batman Vs. Superman’ as it develops.



  1. They should have cast Bryan Cranston as Lex. With his voice and dialogue delivery he could have played the role from his bedroom. You wouldn’t even need to see Lex throughout the movie, just hear his voice from the shadows…
    “Thread lightly!”

    • i think he’s going to pull it off. Sure Bryan Cranston n all – but this guy’s got that ‘mean mad bastard extreme far away’ look – that’s enough to almost pull off a Lex. Cranston looks the part – but in the interest of shaking things up – this is a good direction.


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