Captain America: Civil War, just got a new trailer and it finally featured the much awaited Spider-Man cameo! Take a gander at the video and read on about our thoughts on the new Spider-Man costume.
Spider-Man Costume Thoughts:
At first glance, for those 2-3 seconds I had a WTF moment. The colors looked flat and glaring, I didn’t know what’s up with the additional bands, his costume reminded me of a red and blue Green Lantern. The character seems to have lot of CGI infused into it, I get that it’s Spidey, but it’s probably going to take time for us to get used to the new look. Especially the new logo…he looks like he squished the spider that bit him and stuck it there.
Don’t get me wrong, the costume isn’t bad itself, it’s probably the execution of it. the CGI I thought was poor, and looked like the animated suit from Green Lantern – although not as much fan fare, with green energy floating inside. Either way, it looked like it wasn’t fully ready to be revealed, and we’re hoping it looks better in the actual movie.
Now there are some things, I really loved – like the animated eyes! Nod to Deadpool pulling it off, but this is how Spidey should have been done in the first place. Loved the fact that his mask can squint. Hey, they’re comic book characters for God’s sake, so a little out of this word reality is allowed – Masks doth squint, my friend.
I like the idea of a 60’s throw back to the character, without the raised webbing, and the modern touch with a non-cloth suit (probably provided by Tony). It sort of seems like a military grade outfit designed to reduce wind resistance for him to sling around effortlessly. The “Hey Everyone” in the end was lame, but I guess you take what you can get in 1-2 seconds.