OK firstly, I wish I was attending the NYCC right now. There’s just so much going on there. The below update contains spoilers.
We recently updated you on Batman Eternal. Here’s another update for you on the related topic. Stephanie Brown returns to the New 52 series. She was one of the characters who were not included in the relaunch in 2011. Stephanie Brown will return as the Spoiler in the third issue of Batman Eternal (2014). To add to this Tim Drake will also be playing a key character in this series.
For those unaware: Stephanie Brown was introduced in Detective Comics #647 by writer Chuck Dixon. She is the daughter of the villain, Cluemaster. Brown seeks to “spoil” her Father’s plans in the story arc & thereby adopting the name Spoiler (in #648). With reception received by the fans, Dixon included her as a permanent character in the Robin series, as Tim Drake’s love interest. She later moved to take the mantle of Robin (after Tim retires) in 2004. In the story arc Batman War Games, she is killed by Black Glove. However, we later learn that her death was faked & she reappears in 2009 as Batgirl. In the 2011s relaunch, there was no mention of her character – until now!
Wally West – When the DC panel was questioned on whether Wally West will be returning to the New 52 series, writer Brian Buccellato only replied
“When the time is right”.
I don’t want to get my hopes up too high, though I’d definitely like to see some changes in the 2014 line-up.
Superboy – one of the favourites from the New 52 series. If he is one of yours, the news to follow may not be to your liking. At the end of the current crossover: Krypton Returns, we will see the death of Superboy as he saves the world. Scott Lobdell let this update slip up at the Superman panel at NYCC. The silver lining to this dark cloud is that the current Superboy series will now star the character, Jon Lane Kent who is from an alternate universe (& timeline). It will be interesting to see how it plays out, although with the characters from alternate universes haven’t really had long running series.
Here’s a treat. An interview with Scott Snyder at the NYCC 2013 covering Batman Zero Hour, Batman Eternal & the 75th anniversary #27 :