Ever since Netflix video streaming came to the Xbox 360, Microsoft has been touting it as a major advantage over its competing consoles. However, recent months have seen rumors of the DVD mail-rental company’s online arm coming to both the Wii and PlayStation 3.
Today, Sony announced that it has struck a deal with Netflix to enable streaming its some of its high-end electronic devices. Unfortunately for many gamers, the contraptions in question do not include the PS3, but rather a range of the company’s high-end Bravia HDTVs. According to a report on GameSpot sister site CNET, the XBR9 series, Z5100 series, and W5100 series of Bravias will all be updated with Netflix streaming software this fall. Other Sony HDTVs can access the service by buying the Sony Bravia Internet Video Link for about $200–or just pay $99.99 for a Roku set-top video player.
Speaking with GameSpot, Sony declined to directly comment on the prospect of Netflix streaming on the PS3. Instead, a rep offered the following blanket statement on the console’s non-gaming entertainment capabilities:
We are always looking for ways to enhance our video entertainment offerings through PlayStation 3. Currently, our video download service, available through the PlayStation store, boasts over 1,900 movies and 9,000 TV episodes, making it a leader in the field. We have established content partnerships with industry leaders such as MTV, Comedy Central, Spike TV, Starz, Showtime, NBC, Universal Pictures, Nickelodeon and VH1. All of this is in addition to PS3’s Blu-ray movie playback capabilities, streaming video capabilities through PS3’s built in Internet browser, and its full suite of game offerings makes PS3 the ultimate entertainment machine for the home.
I’ve ultimately made a decision to close my Netflix sub subsequent to there newest price hike. Not that it’s a bad deal. Even after the price increase it is still fairly affordable and worth the cost if you view a large amount of movies and TV shows. The price hike just made me contemplate on how often I genuinely use Netflix. The answer, not a whole lot. I would personally watch 1 possibly 2 DVDs per month and barely anything from instant watch since i had already watched everything really good there within the first year subsequently after registering. Netflix rarely add extra good movies to the streaming so for me it wasnt worth the additional charges. When it was only 8 dollars a month for DVD AND streaming I could defend the fee despite that I didnt watch much on account of the convenience.